Welcome to Owlets Nursery

At Trinity, we have a 30 place Nursery, providing the Early Years Foundation Stage for 26 three and four year olds and 4 two year olds. The Nursery is part of an exciting Foundation Unit, which is purpose built for Nursery and Reception aged children, where the provision is of the highest quality. The Nursery is lead by a fully-qualified Early Years Teacher, and a highly experienced Teaching Assistant.
There is a brand new, spacious, secure outdoor learning environment where children can use large equipment and wheeled toys and they benefit from structured play and learning activities throughout the year. There is a grassed area with a mud kitchen and safe access to the school grounds which includes an orchard, forest school, grassy banks, hedges and a fenced pond. Indoors, the area is carefully planned to accommodate the interests and needs of young children with a Home Corner, soft furnishings, a quiet space for reading and resting, a snack and self service drinks area as well as many interesting and creative activities.
Nursery children have opportunities to take part in school activities and special assemblies or celebrations, where appropriate. They use the school hall for some of their physical development sessions. In this way, nursery children become familiar with the building, with other adults in the school and with some of our expectations, all of which greatly assist transition if they continue at the school into Reception class.
All our children learn through active, engaging play using familiar toys and other objects. We do a lot of singing and frequently repeat favourite songs, nursery rhymes and stories using actions and pictures. This helps all our children learn to communicate effectively which is essential for their development and learning.
It is not a requirement that Nursery children wear the school uniform, however if you would like your child to wear the school jumper that would be great. Our main priority is comfort so children are encouraged to wear black or grey leggings, joggers, skirts, dresses (this can be the green gingham dress in summer) and comfortable Velcro shoes. You will need to provide a sensible coat but not wetsuits or wellies as these are provided by us.
Our Principles of Learning
Our inside environment is bright and spacious with learning through play at its heart. All areas are designed to encourage children to be independent, active learners. We have a beautiful landscaped garden and play area, perfect for enthusing young imaginations. There is also a large covered outdoor play area so come rain or shine we can be outside playing and learning.
Our aim at Trinity Nursery is to place children and their families at the centre of everything we do. Within a safe and stimulating environment, we build trusting relationships that enable children to flourish. As adults we take the time to get to know each child and tailor the curriculum to meet their needs and interests. We fully understand that starting Nursery can be a daunting time for both children and adults so we place great importance on working together with families to ensure the best possible transition.
Nursery Sessions
The term after their child turns 3, all families are entitled to 15 hours’ government funded nursery education each week and some are also eligible to apply for additional hours under the new 30 Hours scheme. We offer a range of sessions for parents to choose from, including a full school day, as follows:
Mornings: 09.00 to 12.00 (3 hours)
Afternoons: 12.00 to 15.00 (3 hours)
All day: 09.00 to 15.00 (inc lunch) (2 sessions)
Children who stay all day or for the afternoon session will need to bring a packed lunch. Those children attending for only a morning session will not eat lunch at school.
You are able to choose any combination that suits you, subject to availability, and for those who are not eligible for government funding, additional sessions may be bought at a cost of £16.00(2 year olds up until the term after their third birthday) or £15.00 (3 & 4 year olds from the term after their third birthday) per session. If you wish to buy extra sessions, you need to commit to a term at a time, and pay monthly in advance.
We are also able to offer extended hours child care, at an extra charge through our club The Bee Happy Club. This means that our school is able to provide quality child care linked to nursery hours to enable your child to be in school from 7.30am. to 4.30pm.
The breakfast club is available for children aged 3 years and up and starts at 7:30.
The after school is also available for children aged 3 years and up and starts at 15:15 and runs through till 4:30pm.
Applying for a place in the Nursery
Interested in your child joining our nursery in September?
If so, you are welcome to attend one of our Nursery open visits, where you will be able to see the setting and meet the team.
Parents may take up their 15 or 30 of hours free entitlement from the term after their child's 3rd birthday or purchase nursery hours during the term before. A few weeks before your child is due to start in the nursery we will aim to arrange a Stay and Play visit at school and/or a home visit with your child. At this time we will find out about your child, show you around our setting and confirm the date to start in the class. We do expect a parent or carer to be prepared to stay with their child for the first few sessions, until they feel secure and happy to be left. We find that this process of Stay and Play then coming to school with a family member, usually enables children to have a smooth transition into the nursery class.
Contact information
If you have any questions concerning our nursery, please don't hesitate to contact us:
Point of contact: Mrs Briony Rakestrow
Telephone: 01392 790151
Address: Trinity C of E Primary & Nursery School, Fish Street, Exeter, EX2 7TR