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Welcome to Owlets

The children will begin the day by delving straight into their play. We then stop for a short while, to say good morning to our peers, share out daily timetable and share a story or song. We then head straight back into the provision, this is where adults with scaffold the children's play, modelling language and sharing ideas. 


Throughout the day we also offer the children snack at our cafe, children will apart of a family group and will also to exposed to small focused groups where they may practice and develop areas of learning such as maths and phonics. These times are often tagged onto a transition period such as lunchtime, as to not interrupt the importance that is their play!


Please find attached below our Provision Map, outlining the learning that will be taking place in each area of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum. Alongside this planning, we will also be enhancing the provision, through following the children's interests based on what we observe and notice. 

Curriculum Overview

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