Welcome to Eagles Class
Year 5 is a great year where the children are encouraged to be more independent in their learning, building on all they have learnt so far academically, socially and in character – getting them ready for their final year in primary school.
Everything that we do is always building on prior learning and this helps us to learn new things, as children can understanding by attaching new learning to existing schema.
Our carefully planned learning experiences have been created to inspire and challenge the children across all areas of the wider curriculum. They encourage the children to work on their academic excellence, character and approach to learning (metacognition). At Trinity, we want to develop the whole child which is why we take time to explore and reflect upon our values and ways to be creative, collaborative and independent. Throughout the year, we enhance our learning experiences through the use of visitors and trips with the 3 day and 2 night residential being the main trip of the year. This is a challenge for all children in different ways but is often their favourite memory of the year.
Within our learning experiences, we make the most of every writing opportunity, covering different genres within these experiences. When an experience has less of a writing focus, we plan a standalone unit of writing. In addition to this, we have dedicated time for spelling, punctuation and grammar teaching throughout the week.
Reading is still of huge priority with Accelerated Reader (AR) tracking text preferences and comprehension skills. Our KS2 library is well stocked with a broad range of AR books and the children submit book requests which our librarian sources for us. The children are also given opportunities to visit the downstairs library where they can find more non-fiction and picture books. We have a guided reading session every day which focuses on the key skills of reading using the VIPERS model. We also really enjoy sharing a class story.
In Maths, we follow White Rose, allowing the children to practise fluency as well as reasoning and problem solving. Times Tables Rock Stars is also used to improve the children’s recall of their times tables.
PE takes place twice a week, once with a PE coach and once with the class teacher. We are very fortunate to have a beautiful forest school area and every other week the children do their learning here – which they love!
We are so excited to work with your children and help them to be their very best. We are always happy to answer any questions so please do come and speak to us.
Some websites which will support your child with their learning:
https://ttrockstars.com/ - times tables
https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/ - handwriting
Play Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica Game – KS2 Maths - BBC Bitesize – maths recall and strengthening
KS2 English free game - Grammar, spelling and punctuation for primary school pupils - Crystal Explorers - BBC Bitesize - grammar/punctuation and spelling practise