Friends of Trinity School (FOTS) is the parents, teachers and friends association for Trinity School. Our aim to enhance the experience of the children's school life by raising funds for those amazing 'extras' that a school budget cannot provide for. Everyone connected to the school is automatically a member of FOTS, and we really encourage everyone to come to our meetings and help support this organisition which is benefitting everyone at the school.
Since formation FOTS have supplied the school with a new KS2 playground, a chicken coop with hens, goats, a beehive and large shlter for Forest School, wet weather playtime toys, Chromebooks, books, guitars, a drum kit, basketball equiement, Christmas decorations, and much more!
Alongside the fundraising, FOTS provides a fantastic opportunity to get to know other parents through our fun social events like quiz nghts, and puts on entertainment for the children through discos, cinema showings, fairs, and much more.
Your FOTS team
You can contact us any time at
Chairs: Becca Willis and Duncan Ackerley
Secretary: Sian Goodwin and Sarah Barnett
Treasurer: Rachel Poulton
Committee: Abbie Webber, Becky Lashbrook, Clare Overton, Duncan Ackerley, Erica Thompson, Jo Brown, Kayleigh Martin, Lisa Lancaster, Marie Crix, Meghan Radford, Michael Kawacinski, Rachel Poulton, Rebecca Willis, Sarah Pitman, Sian Goodwin, Sophie Schalla. Stephen Millington, Suzi Hunt, Marie Watsham, Marie Crix, Justine Mason, Helen Greenaway, Joao Teixeina, Maria Carvalho, Erica Butler and Jo Chartres-Moore
Your School Lottery
Your School Lottery is a really easy way to support the school by buying a weekly lottery ticket. Tickets are just £1 and you can opt out at any time. There is a guaranteed local prize (within Trinity school) every week, plus a chance to win the national jackpot of £25,000!
Please spread the word to friends, family & neighbours as 40p from every ticket sold comes back to FOTS.
Register here Your School Lottery